Tuesday, May 4, 2010


我是个很贪心的人。 大学生涯对我一直来说是必须分秒必争地去享受的。 最后一年最后一个学期里, 我真的觉得我乖得不得了,除了没有抬起背包去乱走天涯, 很多时候我都是呆在房间里当个乖乖不得了的第四年药剂系学生。(我妈妈看了这句话, 肯定吐血。)

这其中的动力莫过于我真的是很享受去做我的Final Year Project。大学四年,玩的时候居多,这个学期我乖得我也无法相信。 想想,最后一年的黄金时光却是在房间里度过的, 其实还是有点过意不去的。 但是, 四年的药剂系里我可以大大声地说Final Year Project是我最为享受的。暑假时当我又再饱食终日无所用心时, 我一定会好好写一篇部落格纪念我这美丽无比的Final Year Project。 *自恋狂* 下图: 我犹抱琵琶半遮面的Dicoumarol, 我拼了老命去研究的药物。

时间迈入五月了, 天气有时还是异常的冷。 还有七十天就毕业啦! 我真是等不及要毕业了。 感觉上, 全世界的人都出来社会工作了, 就只有我们(你们自己该知道自己是谁啦!) 还是可怜凄凄地被全世界的人抛弃在大学。 (很多人一定在骂我了: 你以为出来社会工作这么容易啊?晴希: 小人不敢, 请大家不要骂我了!)

谨剩下这么少天, 我真有一种时日无多的感觉。 接下来, 一定要好好规划了, 以免以后悔不当初。 仔细地想, 我真的有很多很多的事情要做, 我一定一定要把每一分每一秒榨干用尽。 可恶无比的考试又要来了。 刚刚从Final Year Project的战场上侥幸归还故乡, 现在我又必须开始为可恶的考试打拼了。 最后一个考试了, 在最后的紧要关头如果放弃了, 真的是大大地不应该。 所以, 不止是要好好享受谨剩下的大学生涯, 考试该抱的佛脚还是必须要生要死地去抱抱的。 在马来西亚的大肥卉还有大伯公,你们也必须好好地去努力, 等我回来我们一起去Bamboo喝茶。

以往和我打羽毛球的朋友都走的走,散的散了。 今年的我居然是和一大班的博士生打羽毛球的。 没有了以往过度认真的训练和比赛, 但是我还真的是很享受和他们在一起。 要离开曼城, 他们应该是我觉得最不舍得的。 当初刚开始和他们打球时, 这是我完全意想不到的。 希望我们还可以有很多很多的节目, 在我回去之前拼了老命陪我去玩吧!

生活, 要活得最精彩! 死, 也要轰轰烈烈的死! (婆婆: choi choi choi! 大吉利市!) 我常常都是这么样地去看待生活的。 =)

*前几天非常不理智地去买了一个很贵很贵的“玩具”。 (不能在这里说那是什么, 要不然我会被很多人五马分尸。) 现在我的心还在为这件事淌血, 但是浪子回头金不换了, 现在唯一的选择是好好地学还有用这个很贵的玩意儿。

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


如果难过, 你一定是比我更难过


如果坚强, 你一定要比我更坚强!





记得! 你可以难过但是你更要坚强!



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tiger tiger, give me some GOOD luck!

I never really belived in luck. I always think that the term unlucky is just a lame excuse for people who don't want to face the reality when they are unable to achieve something. Since young until now I believe in humans' capabilities and not luck, this is in line with a mandarin phrase that humans can achieve victory even over God (ren2 ding4 sheng4 tian1).

The series of unfortunate events that I faced recently put a big big question mark over my belief and my principle. Sorry but today I just want to spit it out. It can easily be seen as a lame excuse for my stupidity etc, but I just don't care. I need a space to vent my frustration out.

It was first started with the extreme weather we had in UK. It was a whooping negative fifteen degree celcius on one of the days. I remember it was so cold during that period of time that I had to always try my very best to avoid stepping out from my house whenever it was possible. (On the plus side, it was really nice to hide in the duvet to sleep =P) But very soon, I was forced to get out from my house due to some "unforeseen circumstances". Due to the extreme weather condition, somehow the sink in the house was blocked completely, probably by the ice formed. My housemates and I tried to drain out the water from the sink. It was drained out very effectively BUT into the washing machine which left the inner part of the washing machine a horrible smell after that. Very soon, we realised that we can't do anything in the sink including washing up our plates and cutleries. The amount of plates, bowls and cutleries accummulated over the time, mountains upon mountains were formed. When we no longer had any cutleries etc to use, we were forced to live on nomad condition, hunting for food outside every single day.

A few days after this problem was finally fixed after N number of phone calls to the housing agency, we had another nightmare. There was a blackout in the place that I lived. Only five rows of houses in the whole Manchester were affected and my house was one of them. What a luck. I was forced again to go camping somewhere in the university. It was really near to the mid term exam during that time hence, (for the first time in three years) when I went to the library I was shocked to find out that it was completely FULL of people with no space for me at all. I moved on to another location again and again. Finally I settled down in the computer lab.
The blackout episode ended at around 12am that day.

I thought my misfortune stopped right there. However, I was very very wrong. Two days after the blackout, when I was halfway doing my revision for exam, my laptop broke down. The monitor just simply refused to work. It was disastrous for me as I survived on the entertainment provided by the internet and my laptop. My heavy reliance on it had really caused me to panic (I love my laptop way too much!^^). Luckily my housemate helped me to fix the problem by connecting my laptop to a separate monitor and it worked brilliantly. It didn't last long before it became problematic again. On the next day, the new monitor started to behave in a weird way again with random images constantly disappearing and the function malfunctioning. Trying in vain to revive it myself, I gave up in the end, surviving solely on another of my housemate laptop. (I am lucky in that sense that there is somebody that is willing to sacrifice his laptop for me ^^).

Anyway, things had been quite right till after exam. I bought a new laptop in the end. With the new laptop looking so cool compared to the previous senile fatty- looking laptop, I am actually quite happy with it. However, the happy story didn't continue. Bad luck striked again. Over the one whole week since I got my new laptop, I had been constantly having trouble playing any audio files including those on the websites such as youtube. I really felt like I am dying without any music in my room! Anyway that is not the main point, I just want to solve the problem and lead a normal life again (lol, exaggeration^^). I checked with Aaron and Melissa who bought the laptop the same time as me and apparently their laptops are behaving well so far. The problem striked again last night. Being so incompetent with the computer stuff, I wasted the whole night trying to repair it following some online instruction. I called up Dell today. They were really helpful in helping to solve the prbolem. Nothing can go wrong right, one might say? No, absolutely wrong. This is because suddenly when I was calling Dell, all the window media player, real player, itunes, youtube website, crunchyroll website and whatsoever that were previously not working suddenly decided to joke with me by starting to work so brilliantly again. Thanks to them, Dell technical support team was unable to pinpoint the exact problem of my laptop. After trying to do something to avoid similar problems to arise again in the future, I ended the call after two whole hours talking to Dell technical support team. I should be really happy by now that my laptop is working perfectly again. I think many will be able to guess that this is not the end of the story. After all these hassle, the next time I tried to use the window media player again, it is NOT working again. Every programs freezed and became irresponsive. I have to say I am really feeling really "pasrah" now. I wrote an email to Dell just now. There will be another round of long talk with the technical support team again on Friday. Endless hassle, it seems to be.

Final finally, I had a hot good shower and a good dinner. Feeling calm and happy after all the rubbish that I had, I started to type my final year project report that I direly need to type. I was making some slow progress but I was happy enough that at least I made the first baby step! Ahh.... I was then reading through some journals and books. Out of the blue when I was halfway reading, I sensed that something is very very wrong again. I have not seen a book that I borrowed from the library since last Friday. Panic- stricken, I desperately rummaged through the whole room of mine for the book. It was no where to be found. I started to think about the possible location of the book now. There are so many possibilities: my supervisor's computer lab, magic bus or stagecoach bus, Oxford Road station, Piccaddilly station or just simply somewhere on the street! I can't tell you the ending to the story yet. I can only hope and pray that it ends with happiness. If things turn ugly, I will need to pay for around 80GBP to the library for the replacement of the book. Sigh. For this event, it is not that much about being unlucky, I know to a certain extent it is the carelessness that is fatal.

Problems, big or small, all contributed to the frustration I had now. Things have not been too well recently, hopefully in the year of the tiger (my year!^^) everything will be alright again. When I think carefully about it, despite the few stupid unnecessary things that had happened, life is not all bad. I had a really good chinese new year celebration in Manchester with my collegemates from all over the UK. We had a lot of good food together but what matter most to me is I enjoyed their company so much! Lastly, to all my family and friends in Malaysia: Happy Chinese New Year! Huat ahhhhhhh........!!!!! ^^ It will be a good year for ALL of us. *smile*

Sunday, November 29, 2009
















I found an English translation of this really famous poem of a poet named Xu Zhi Mo. Not the best translation definitely. But I just hope to share all this with my friends ^_^

Very quietly I left

  As quietly as I came here;

  Quietly I wave good-bye

  To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

  The golden willows by the riverside

  Are young brides in the setting sun;

  Their reflections on the shimmering waves

  Always linger in the depth of my heart.

  The floatingheart growing in the sludge

  Sways leisurely under the water;

  In the gentle waves of Cambridge

  I would be a water plant!

  That pool under the shade of elm trees

  Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;

  Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds

  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?

  To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream

  To where the green grass is more verdant;

  Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight

  And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.

  But I can't sing aloud

  Quietness is my farewell music;

  Even summer insects heap silence for me

  Silent is Cambridge tonight!

  Very quietly I leaved

  As quietly as I came here;

  Gently I flick my sleeves

Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


遥想当初申请去药剂所去做SUMMER PLACEMENT的决定,我真的是抱着去医院逛逛走走并顺便去增广见闻的心理去申请的。这种要不得的顽童心态在我第一天抵达TAMESIDE GENERAL HOSPITAL时立即被那里负责人之严肃横扫而空。


去学习的短短两个星期,老实说每一天早上要我这个夜猫子在公鸡(其实曼城没有公鸡啦!^^)还未啼叫前匆匆起床然后胡乱刷牙后胡乱出发,这对我来说是件很困难的事情。除了睡眠严重不足外,从住宿搭车去曼城市中心再转搭另一辆巴士去ASHTON然后又再转搭另一辆巴士去TAMESIDE GENERAL HOSPITAL,一天来回搭这六趟的巴士还有前前后后整四小时的车程,这真是折磨啊!

虽然如此,我由始至终都没有后悔去那里学习。很多人很不屑地问我两星期而已啊可以学到什么呢?但是,我想郑重地向包青天大人击鼓申冤: 很多东西是重质不重量的。在医院里他们为我排了满满的学习课程,学习的不再像是在上课时候的纸上谈兵。喜欢这么样的学习方式,要不上课学得这么多,也从不知道如何去运用如何去用它们来解决问题!但是对我来说这还不是最重要的,我觉得这一次我学到的不单只是应用学问的学问,重要的是这两个星期里我开始慢慢地了解了与接受了药剂系。三年了在大学,读完药剂系对我来说一直只是个责任,它只不过是我当初中五毕业后申请公共服务局奖学金时所犯下的错误,现在来进行亡羊补牢而已。在医院里学习了两个星期,不知如何地我慢慢地越来越钦佩那里的药剂师们,敬佩他们的专业精神当然还有他们的对工作的热忱。突然惊觉其实以后我也可以像他们那样快乐地有尊严地工作着,辛苦工作的当儿也有满满的满足感让我们度过每一天。


*想画一张卡片给药剂所里的人们可是这么久了还没有画!想想我还真辜负了大家对我的友善与帮助 >< 我还是快些把心动付诸行动吧,要不我真可以骂我自己是忘恩负义的小人了啊!


Saturday, September 12, 2009


惊觉三个月长的假期就快过去了,想想这还真的很吓人。考完试后快快乐乐地疯狂庆祝的情形还历历在目,现在的我却已经开始为回去曼城而倒数了 (还谨剩下可怜凄凄的八天而已啊!) 很多乡亲父老亲朋好友猪朋狗友结拜兄弟兄弟姐妹们在见面时一定会问三个月的假期里,我到底做了些什么。我其实还真希望我可以骄骄傲傲地告诉他们我成功练了什么盖世神功:蛤蟆功啦九阳神功啦东方不败功(乱乱来了^^)啦等等的等等。但是没办法啦,我的马来朋友告诉我在斋戒月说大话敷衍别人是罪大恶极的以后啊要是阿拉真主要与我兴师问罪,讨伐我这个骗子那可就不得了、不得了了。怕死成性,我还是说实话算了以免以后酷刑伺候时悔不当初啊!

被好多人声讨:为什么这么久了还没有写部落格!?!?!?!是时候给大家一个解释了(A:解什么释?除了懒惰还有什么?) 顺道UPDATE还有教导后辈们以后该如何有效地打发假期时间 (后辈们:我呕啦!才不要你教!!!)^^ 。好啦,是时候进入正题了,要不等一下就被老板给五马分尸了。

话说考完试后废才学子们到底能做什么呢?答案是除了庆祝还是庆祝啦,身为废才学子的一员,我当然也不例外。在曼城(其实全英国上上下下) 什么庆祝啦慰劳啦叙别会啦全都只是个很堂皇的理由来喝酒并疯狂。在这么样的国度里住了三年我当然也既来之则学之,好几天也和一班朋友们夜夜笙歌还有夜夜狂欢。就有那么样的一次我被羽毛球校队的队长诱骗并拐带去参与羽毛球队的PUB CRAWL。说来惭愧,在这里三年了,我还是第一次去参与PUB CRAWL呢。顾名思义PUB CRAWL基本上就是从一个活动,参与的人从一个PUB CRAWL (爬) 到去另一个PUB 去,停留的每一间PUB我们都必须喝上好几杯酒,而且在停留得较久的PUB我们还得玩输了要罚酒的游戏。那一天的PUB CRAWL取名为DIDSBURY DOZEN,意思是我们必须在DIDSBURY (曼城里的一个小镇) 里走遍那里十二个PUB!很疯狂地跟随着大队从一个PUB 走(有些人真的是用爬的,因为那时他们已经醉得一塌糊涂了) 到另一个PUB,喝了好多好多不同的酒例如CIDER、啤酒、烈酒等等,到了第五的PUB我已经头晕眼花了。最后到了第六的PUB我真的觉得我可以直接倒下去呼呼大睡了,情况危急下我唯有向队长摇白旗申请假期回家去发个春秋大梦了。

题外话: 对于英国人的无酒不欢,我时常都是带有一份的偏见。每每随同大家出外喝酒交流尽兴而归后,回来时总会有股怅然若失的感觉,现在朋友的聚会到底还是不是为了朋友为了友谊而聚会,还是真的像直觉告诉我的为了喝酒而聚会?唉!


Thursday, April 16, 2009


用了三星期假期的时间来说服自己闭关修炼,看来我又失败了。闭关修炼有这么难吗?从考试到假期之间的八个星期,想想我做了什么伟大事迹,唯一我可以想得到的是我对DIABLO II 的沉迷。或许这个SEMESTER最令我感到骄傲的是我DIABLO II 的战士从赤手空拳什么都不会什么都没有,在我细心带领下变成一个很酷、魔法力很强、打架很厉害、拥有很多金黄色UNIQUE ITEM的战士。现在,我的战士即使被重重妖怪包围了,他也能杀开一条血路,即使打不赢也可以轻易地三十六计走为上计。但是从NORMAL LEVEL 玩到NIGHTMARE LEVEL再玩到HELL LEVEL耽误了好多青春,我想我应该暂时金盆洗手了。暑假时再慢慢地和DIABLO战得天昏地暗吧!^^ 学业上的落后是非常惨不忍睹的。除了那改不掉的逃课习惯,平时我也从来没有温习功课。看着我向朋友复印的整八十份LECTURE NOTES,它们看起来好可怕,比可恶的DIABLO魔王还要可怕!想到开学后又有整四十份LECTURE NOTES要杀过来了,想到全身都会起鸡皮疙瘩!所以呢,我要向举国上下还有全世界宣布我真的要开始读书了!明天开始吧!还有请神明 (各方神明,我是多宗教的) 都要保佑我这星期三变态早的药剂法律考试。加油,晴希,靠各方神圣也要多少靠一点自己!

EASTER 假期 (怎么翻译?^^) ,饱食终日了三个星期其实也不是完全的颓废的。没有发奋图强努力读书但是我却当起煮菜婆来了。其实当煮菜婆的原始动力就在于我和MR HO很贪吃。所以断断续续的这三个星期,我们煮了很多食物:炒冬粉、炒马来式米粉、咖哩面、APPLE面CRUMBLE还有希腊国宝 (MOUSSAKA) !

APPLE CRUMBLE 不小心煮得太多,当宵夜吃,吃得快爆炸了。后来就让MR HO屋里的混世魔王们把APPLE CRUMBLE给分尸然后吞进肚子里了。

这炒冬粉的食谱是随便找来的,而且用的材料都怪奇怪的, 但它却是意外的好吃。*流口水中*


说到这咖哩面是最气人的。我原本早想夜想的食物是玮云在我去WARWICK是煮给我的LAKSA。谁知道走遍了曼城的中国城,我所能找得到的是咖哩面(南方人所谓的CURRY LAKSA) 的调味料而已,正宗LAKSA的调味料实在是我寻寻觅觅踏遍曼城却也冷冷清清凄凄惨惨戚戚地不见踪影。气煞我也!但往好的看,至少这咖哩面的味道很不错,吃得我很痛快!

两年前希腊FLATMATE兴致勃勃地带我们全家上下去希腊餐厅吃。就记得他极力推荐这一道希腊食物国宝-- MOUSSAKA。可是阴阳差错下那一天我居然一口都没试到。今年年头就突然有一天我有回到了那一间希腊餐厅吃了这MOUSSAKA。老实说我真的很喜欢它,吃着吃着还真觉得此食只因天上有呢,吃完了好多天时不时还在回想它的无限美妙呢!有一天忍不住就在网上找了MOUSSAKA的食谱。但是一看到食谱就晕了,因为它的制造过程很欠揍的难。不只材料千奇百怪,预测的烹煮时间居然是三小时之长。最后的最后受不了MOUSSAKA的利诱我们还是花了N小时买材料还有三小时的烹煮时间完成了这个“壮举” 。

以前从来都没有想过我会享受当煮菜婆,但是现在的我改观了 (但是我依旧恨极了洗盘!) 。最后一刻当我把MOUSSAKA从OVEN (天天天!如何翻译OVEN?^@^) 里拿出来时,看见那金黄色上层还有那一层又一层的肉碎与茄子还有把它们送入嘴里时那即刻溶化的无穷美味,我真的是有种不枉此生的感觉。喜欢煮菜的过程也喜欢吃得尽兴的感觉,期待下一次再当煮菜婆的经验!