Thursday, April 16, 2009


用了三星期假期的时间来说服自己闭关修炼,看来我又失败了。闭关修炼有这么难吗?从考试到假期之间的八个星期,想想我做了什么伟大事迹,唯一我可以想得到的是我对DIABLO II 的沉迷。或许这个SEMESTER最令我感到骄傲的是我DIABLO II 的战士从赤手空拳什么都不会什么都没有,在我细心带领下变成一个很酷、魔法力很强、打架很厉害、拥有很多金黄色UNIQUE ITEM的战士。现在,我的战士即使被重重妖怪包围了,他也能杀开一条血路,即使打不赢也可以轻易地三十六计走为上计。但是从NORMAL LEVEL 玩到NIGHTMARE LEVEL再玩到HELL LEVEL耽误了好多青春,我想我应该暂时金盆洗手了。暑假时再慢慢地和DIABLO战得天昏地暗吧!^^ 学业上的落后是非常惨不忍睹的。除了那改不掉的逃课习惯,平时我也从来没有温习功课。看着我向朋友复印的整八十份LECTURE NOTES,它们看起来好可怕,比可恶的DIABLO魔王还要可怕!想到开学后又有整四十份LECTURE NOTES要杀过来了,想到全身都会起鸡皮疙瘩!所以呢,我要向举国上下还有全世界宣布我真的要开始读书了!明天开始吧!还有请神明 (各方神明,我是多宗教的) 都要保佑我这星期三变态早的药剂法律考试。加油,晴希,靠各方神圣也要多少靠一点自己!

EASTER 假期 (怎么翻译?^^) ,饱食终日了三个星期其实也不是完全的颓废的。没有发奋图强努力读书但是我却当起煮菜婆来了。其实当煮菜婆的原始动力就在于我和MR HO很贪吃。所以断断续续的这三个星期,我们煮了很多食物:炒冬粉、炒马来式米粉、咖哩面、APPLE面CRUMBLE还有希腊国宝 (MOUSSAKA) !

APPLE CRUMBLE 不小心煮得太多,当宵夜吃,吃得快爆炸了。后来就让MR HO屋里的混世魔王们把APPLE CRUMBLE给分尸然后吞进肚子里了。

这炒冬粉的食谱是随便找来的,而且用的材料都怪奇怪的, 但它却是意外的好吃。*流口水中*


说到这咖哩面是最气人的。我原本早想夜想的食物是玮云在我去WARWICK是煮给我的LAKSA。谁知道走遍了曼城的中国城,我所能找得到的是咖哩面(南方人所谓的CURRY LAKSA) 的调味料而已,正宗LAKSA的调味料实在是我寻寻觅觅踏遍曼城却也冷冷清清凄凄惨惨戚戚地不见踪影。气煞我也!但往好的看,至少这咖哩面的味道很不错,吃得我很痛快!

两年前希腊FLATMATE兴致勃勃地带我们全家上下去希腊餐厅吃。就记得他极力推荐这一道希腊食物国宝-- MOUSSAKA。可是阴阳差错下那一天我居然一口都没试到。今年年头就突然有一天我有回到了那一间希腊餐厅吃了这MOUSSAKA。老实说我真的很喜欢它,吃着吃着还真觉得此食只因天上有呢,吃完了好多天时不时还在回想它的无限美妙呢!有一天忍不住就在网上找了MOUSSAKA的食谱。但是一看到食谱就晕了,因为它的制造过程很欠揍的难。不只材料千奇百怪,预测的烹煮时间居然是三小时之长。最后的最后受不了MOUSSAKA的利诱我们还是花了N小时买材料还有三小时的烹煮时间完成了这个“壮举” 。

以前从来都没有想过我会享受当煮菜婆,但是现在的我改观了 (但是我依旧恨极了洗盘!) 。最后一刻当我把MOUSSAKA从OVEN (天天天!如何翻译OVEN?^@^) 里拿出来时,看见那金黄色上层还有那一层又一层的肉碎与茄子还有把它们送入嘴里时那即刻溶化的无穷美味,我真的是有种不枉此生的感觉。喜欢煮菜的过程也喜欢吃得尽兴的感觉,期待下一次再当煮菜婆的经验!



Sam said...

wow, it seem very nice oh~~ hungry d! how?

Stella said...

看来有人已经在准备当 Mrs Ho了!


哈哈哈!好好守妇道吧!!!! 哈哈哈哈 

Anonymous said...


easter holiday= 复活节假期


lecture notes=上课笔记



osl said...


*飞天草* said...





Qing Xi said...

Went to your blog! You are Kim Sum right from SMP? Sorry ahh.. have to ask this question, scared that I recognize the wrong person!

Sze Hwei,
yoooo.. seriously, before I look at your comment, I know you will surely crap one (not like me) sighh..^^
n nola.. now need to GAI XIE GUI ZHENG dy, last time in KMB no motivation to do anything la. Now I am really good at washing plates, ironing cloths and clean up the room etc etc dy!

aiyooo.. my mandarin so poor till I want to commit suicide dy lah. Those terms I used to know one. If one day I become banana, how? how? how?

Shueue Li,
Actually, not that I m LI HAI to cook. But maybe I m lucky! All the recipe that I had is good. I m going back during summer, come to alor setar! I cook for you^^

Little Grass,
LOL.. that is very random^^ hehe
But I think I have gained some weight.. so slightly fatter than last time! I hope I can add maybe 3 more kg so that I wont look like a stick walking around.. hehe

Anonymous said...

how how how?
哈哈……very simple.write more and more, each day one blog/story, lama-kelamaan, you will get back your mandarin proficiency state~ heheh~

melwy said...

wahh, all oso complicated dishes, agree with shwei, hehe...
so yummy la, next time must cook for me!

melwy said...

ohya, where to get 冬粉? cant find in chinatown lei, i duno which one is it, everythign oso vermicilli

Anonymous said...

qingxi...Easter is 复活节la la la...don eat so much o,later u need to pay extra for the flight ticket...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

aiks... you know I m quite lazy one. So definitely cannot blog everyday lah^^ n no worries la, I know I eat a lot but then I got limit one! I know how to control! *DING(4) LI (4)*

Actually except the greek dish, all others quite easy only.^^ follow the recipe then no problem dy^^ btw, I got mine in china town oo. Tell you later after I check the pack of mine. Maybe it is called vermicilli too:P

iamlz said...

damn nice damn nice!! XD

next time come to galway to cook for me :P

Qing Xi said...

Lim Zhi Lim Zhi,
Seriously, cook for u no problem. Scared you dare not to eat only! Will visit Galway one day^@^

Ang Choon Seong said...

gua pu hoi tu la.

Qing Xi said...

Sorry laaaaa....My England very poor.. hahahahaha So I don't normally write it in England!

Didn't leave comment on ur blog, but ur post on JPA scholars is really well written. Agree to it totally!

sheueli said...

My dear, happy birthday!!!
haha, i know it is weird to wish you here, but besides blog, I really don't know how to contact you...
wish you happy forever...

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